Avoiding Digital Product Pitfalls (Part 3 of 3)

Pearl's Notes
2 min readJan 31, 2021

Apart from the lack of customer centricity and lack of vision, the third reason that lead to the pitfall of a digital product is the lack of commitment.

Once a product is developed, many organisation tends to think that it is done. They focus on the outputs (What gets done) over outcomes (What are the impact). There is more to just launching a product, and here are some actions that can be taken to make sure that the development effort is not wasted:

  • Have an OKR (Objective Key Results) framework to define success and measure the impact of product
  • Have a FAQs fact sheets or user manual that will assist the users as required
  • Share with users the vision on the product i.e. what will the product look like in the next 2 to 3 years
  • Talk to the customers / users to understand their expectations
  • Seek ways to improve the process and minimise the production cost
  • Solve any problems that the users encounter when using the product

Developing a successful product that is well received by customers and users is not an easy task. It requires customer centricity, vision and commitment, which will serve as the foundation for an effective strategy and optimised ways of working. These are crucial for delivering a successful product.

